Zygotop seminar
Organizational principles
The zygotop seminar is organized by a fixed graduate student for a calendar year at a time, ideally beginning in the spring semester of their second year.
This student is endowed with the following responsibilities:
- At the beginning of the semester, schedule a room weekly, ideally for a 3 hour period.
- Find speakers for the seminar, and assist speakers with choosing talk topics if requested to do so.
- Maintain an accessible communication network via signal or a mailing list.
- Maintain a seminar website.
- Shortly before talks, bug the speaker for a title and abstract; subsequently announce the talk via the communication network and update the website.
- Announce the speaker to begin each talk, call the audience to applaud and ask questions after the talk, and lead a second applause after a reasonable number of questions.
We ask that talks satisfy the following conditions:
- Each talk is made reasonably accessible to all graduate students in the homotopy theory group.
- Talk topics follow the interests of particular speakers, not an overarching narrative dictated by the organizer.
- The speaker accepts all questions, and the audience understands that no question is too basic to be asked.
We ask that the seminar websites satisfy the following conditions:
- The website links to this page or contains a hard copy of compliant organizational principles.
- Websites reside on relatively permanent domains, i.e. not on personal websites or Harvard or MIT's servers.
- Old seminar websites link or redirect to strictly newer ones, which are current as long as the owner of the old website is a graduate student.
- The "past talks" page contains a complete history of zygotop talks.